
Shopsta software is packed with incredible features, providing you with outstanding experience while designing your next masterpiece Shopify store

Drag&Drop Editor

Design Shopify store with drag and drop widgets, no coding required. Export your design as OS2.0 Shopify theme with a single click!

One Click Export

After you finish with designing Shopify store, you’re one click away from having your design converted into OS2.0 Shopify theme!

Rich Theme Options

Customise even further your Shopify theme after you upload to Shopify with rich set of theme and sections options

Premade Shopify Themes

Have a quick head-start with our set of premade themes or start from the scratch. All themes are free to edit or just download as is with any Shopsta subscription.

Built in SEO

Rich snippets & more is added in every theme you design with Shopsta. Ready to dominate search engines!


Section Based

Sections you add in Shopsta will become OS2.0 sections in your exported theme. That means you can reuse sections on Shopify and customise them even further

Accessible Themes

We try hard in keeping our code acccessible, following all main rules from all worldwide markets including EU, USA, GB and more

Intuitive Interface

We spent most of the time creating intuitive interface for Shopsta in hope of delivering perfect user experience so you can focus on design only

Responsive Modes

Along with default desktop mode, Shopsta have tablet and mobile modes, allowing you to spice up your designs for each device type!

Need help with Shopsta?

In case you’re stuck with Shopsta make sure to check out guides, videos and blogs, if that doesn’t help, you can always contact our support by writing a ticket and describing your issue in detail