How to Use Shopify for Digital Downloads

1. Introduction to Digital Downloads on Shopify

In today’s digital era, e-commerce doesn’t just cater to physical goods. Digital products, from e-books and music files to software and online courses, have become a significant market segment. Shopify, a global e-commerce powerhouse, makes selling such digital products straightforward and efficient.

2. Setting Up Digital Downloadable Products in Shopify: Step by Step

Step 1: Install the Digital Downloads App

  • Navigate to the Shopify App Store.
  • Search for ‘Digital Downloads’ and install the app.

Step 2: Adding a Digital Product

  • From your Shopify dashboard, click ‘Products’ then ‘Add Product’.
  • Fill in your digital product details.
  • Under ‘Media’, upload the digital file.

Step 3: Set the Pricing

Determine the price, and any comparative pricing if needed.

Step 4: Product Availability

Ensure it’s available on your online storefront and other sales channels.

Step 5: Checkout Settings

Bypass shipping for digital goods: ‘Settings’ > ‘Shipping and Delivery’.

Step 6: Complete and Save

Step 7: Managing Downloads

Customers receive a download link post-purchase. Manage these via the Digital Downloads app.

3. The Role of Themes: How Shopsta Stands Out

Your Shopify theme plays a pivotal role in user experience. Shopsta’s Shopify themes are primed for digital downloads, offering seamless integration. Moreover, with Shopsta software, you can design themes that are inherently compatible with all product types on Shopify, including digital downloads.

4. Advantages of Using Shopify for Digital Downloads

  • Streamlined Process: Simplified sale of digital goods.
  • Scalability: Handles from one to thousands of digital products.
  • Global Reach: Access a worldwide audience.
  • Security: Ensures digital files are secure and accessible only by purchasers.
  • Customization: With platforms like Shopsta, create a unique digital storefront.

5. Facts About Shopify

  1. By 2023, Shopify is utilized by over 1.7 million businesses across more than 180 countries1.
  2. Shopify witnessed a 110% increase in Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) in 2023 compared to the previous year2.
  3. Shopify supports various product types, including digital ones3.

6. Conclusion

The e-commerce world is ever-evolving. Digital products are more relevant than ever, and platforms like Shopify are at the forefront of this trend. By capitalizing on the robust infrastructure of Shopify and complementing it with dynamic themes from platforms like Shopsta, digital sellers are better positioned to succeed in the marketplace. Embrace the future of e-commerce and let Shopify be your guide in the realm of digital downloads.

7. Citations


  1. “Shopify Announces First-Quarter 2023 Financial Results.” Shopify Press Release, 2023.
  2. “E-Commerce Growth in 2023: Key Insights.” DigitalCommerce360, 2023.
  3. “Types of Products You Can Sell.” Shopify Help Center, 2023.