Mastering Shopify Stock Price Settings: A Step-by-Step Tutorial


Setting the right stock price is critical for your Shopify store’s success. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will explore how to configure stock price settings in the backend of your Shopify store and effectively use these settings when adding new products. Whether you’re a newcomer or an experienced merchant, mastering “Shopify stock price” is crucial for running a profitable online business.

Understanding Shopify Stock Price Settings

Before we dive into the practical steps, let’s familiarize ourselves with the key concepts related to Shopify stock pricing:

  1. Product Price: This is the base price of your product before any discounts, taxes, or additional charges are applied.
  2. Variant Price: In cases where a product has multiple variants (e.g., different sizes or colors), each variant can have its own price. Variant prices allow you to offer product options at varying costs.
  3. Compare at Price: This is the original or regular price of a product. It is often used to display discounts and create a sense of value for customers.
  4. Cost Per Item: The actual cost you incur to acquire or produce a single unit of the product. Knowing the cost per item is crucial for setting profitable prices.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Configuring Shopify Stock Price Settings

Let’s explore how to configure your stock price settings in the backend of your Shopify store:

1. Log into Your Shopify Admin:

2. Access Your Product List:

  • From the Shopify admin dashboard, click on “Products” on the left-hand menu.

3. Choose the Product to Edit:

  • Locate the product for which you want to configure the stock price settings and click on it.

4. Configure Product Pricing:

a. Product Price: – In the “Pricing” section, you’ll see the “Price” field. Enter the base price of your product here.

b. Variant Prices: – If your product has variants (e.g., different sizes or colors), scroll down to the “Variants” section. – Click on a variant to expand it, and you’ll find the “Price” field. Enter the price specific to that variant.

c. Compare at Price: – In the “Compare at price” field, you can set the original price of the product if you’re offering a discount. This is optional but can be a powerful sales tactic.

d. Cost Per Item: – If you want to track the cost per item, it’s advisable to use an inventory management app or a custom field to keep this data organized.

5. Save Your Changes:

  • Once you’ve configured the stock price settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save.”

Using Stock Settings When Adding New Products

Now, let’s explore how to use the stock settings effectively when adding a new product to your Shopify store:

1. Log into Your Shopify Admin:

  • Follow the same steps as mentioned earlier to log into your Shopify admin panel.

2. Create a New Product:

a. From the Admin Dashboard: – Click “Products” in the left-hand menu. – Click “Add product” in the top right corner.

b. From the Products Page: – You can also create a new product directly from the Products page by clicking “Add product.”

3. Fill in Product Details:

a. Title and Description: – Enter the title and description of your product.

b. Images: – Upload high-quality images of your product.

c. Pricing: – In the “Pricing” section, enter the base price of your product in the “Price” field.

d. Variants (if applicable): – If your product has variants (e.g., sizes or colors), click “Add variant” in the “Variants” section. Configure each variant’s price individually.

e. Compare at Price (optional): – If you want to show a discounted price, enter the original price in the “Compare at price” field.

4. Save Your Product:

  • Scroll down and click “Save” to add your new product to your Shopify store with the configured stock price settings.

Best Practices for Pricing Your Products on Shopify

  1. Competitive Research: Research competitors to ensure your prices are competitive within your niche.
  2. Profit Margin: Calculate your desired profit margin and consider both your cost per item and desired profit when setting prices.
  3. Pricing Strategy: Determine your pricing strategy – whether you want to emphasize value, luxury, or affordability – and adjust your prices accordingly.
  4. Regularly Review Prices: Continuously evaluate your product prices to stay competitive and profitable. Shopify offers tools to track inventory and sales performance.


Mastering Shopify stock price settings is crucial for running a successful e-commerce store. By understanding the different pricing components and following our step-by-step tutorial, you can confidently configure stock prices for your products and effectively add new items to your Shopify store.

Remember, pricing is a dynamic aspect of your business, so regularly reviewing and adjusting your prices is essential for long-term success in the world of e-commerce.


  1. Shopify Help Center – Pricing Your Products
  2. Shopify – Official Website