Understanding and Resolving the Shopify Error 406: Not Acceptable

Encountering errors can be a frustrating experience for both store owners and customers. One such error that Shopify users might come across is the “Error 406: Not Acceptable.” This article delves into the reasons behind this error, offers solutions to rectify it, and provides insights to prevent its recurrence, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

What is the Shopify Error 406: Not Acceptable?

The Error 406 is an HTTP status code. In the context of Shopify, it typically means that the server understands the request made by the client (usually a web browser), but the response format requested is not acceptable. In simpler terms, the server cannot deliver the content in the manner the client expects.

Why Does This Error Occur?

Several reasons can trigger the Error 406 on a Shopify store:

  1. Content Negotiation: The client, such as a web browser, might request a specific type of content that the server cannot produce. For instance, the client may ask for an image in a format that the server doesn’t support.
  2. Mod_Security Rules: Mod_Security is a firewall for applications. Sometimes, its rules can be too strict, causing legitimate requests to be flagged and blocked, resulting in the 406 error.
  3. Corrupted .htaccess File: The .htaccess file controls many server configurations. A misconfiguration or corruption in this file can lead to the error.
  4. Incompatible Plugins or Extensions: Sometimes, third-party plugins or extensions can conflict with Shopify’s operations, leading to various errors, including the 406.

How to Fix the Error 406: Not Acceptable?

  1. Content Type Check: Ensure that the content type you’re trying to serve is supported by the server. For instance, if you’re trying to display a WebP image but your server doesn’t support it, consider converting it to a more universally accepted format like JPEG or PNG.
  2. Review Mod_Security Rules: If you suspect that Mod_Security rules are causing the error, consult with your hosting provider. They can review and adjust the rules or whitelist certain requests to prevent false positives.
  3. Inspect .htaccess File: Access your server using an FTP client and navigate to the .htaccess file. Ensure that there are no incorrect configurations. If you’re unsure, consider restoring a previous version of the .htaccess file that was working correctly.
  4. Disable Plugins or Extensions: If you’ve recently installed a new plugin or extension, try disabling it to see if it resolves the error. If the error disappears, you’ve found the culprit. Consider looking for an alternative plugin or reaching out to the plugin developer for assistance.
  5. Clear Browser Cache: Sometimes, the error might be on the client’s side. Clearing the browser cache can help in such cases, as it forces the browser to fetch a fresh copy of the content.

Preventing Future Occurrences

To minimize the chances of encountering the Error 406 in the future:

  • Regularly update your Shopify store, plugins, and extensions.
  • Before installing any new plugin, research its compatibility with your Shopify version.
  • Maintain regular backups, especially of critical files like .htaccess, so you can quickly restore them if needed.
  • Monitor server logs to catch and address potential issues early.


While the Shopify Error 406: Not Acceptable can be a temporary setback, understanding its causes and solutions can help store owners address it efficiently. Regular maintenance, updates, and monitoring can further ensure that such errors are rare, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: growing your e-commerce business and providing an unmatched shopping experience for your customers.