What to Sell on Shopify: 10 Profitable Ideas

The e-commerce industry is booming, and platforms like Shopify have made it easier than ever for entrepreneurs to dive into the world of online selling. However, one of the most daunting tasks for newcomers is deciding what to sell. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore ten lucrative ideas for your Shopify store, complete with theme recommendations to ensure your products shine.

1. Vintage Collectibles

Overview: The allure of the past never fades. From vintage toys to old-school vinyl records, there’s a vast market for nostalgic items. Collectors and enthusiasts are always on the lookout for unique finds, making vintage collectibles a profitable niche.

2. Cosmetics

Overview: The beauty industry is worth billions, and it’s not slowing down. From organic skincare products to vibrant makeup palettes, cosmetics cater to a diverse audience. With the rise of beauty influencers and tutorials, there’s a constant demand for the latest products.

Shopify Theme Recommendation: wing – A sleek and modern theme designed specifically for beauty and cosmetics, ensuring your products are displayed in the best light.

wing - beauty&cosmetics Shopify store

3. Tech Gadgets & Accessories

Overview: In our digital age, tech gadgets, from smart home devices to wearable tech, are in high demand. Moreover, with every device released, there’s a market for accompanying accessories like cases, screen protectors, and more.

4. Gardening Supplies

Overview: With more people focusing on home improvement and sustainable living, gardening has seen a resurgence. Whether it’s seeds, tools, or decorative planters, gardening supplies cater to both urban apartment dwellers with balconies and homeowners with sprawling gardens.

Shopify Theme Recommendation: plantera – A theme that captures the essence of nature, making it perfect for gardening products.

plantera - home&gardening Shopify theme

5. Handmade Crafts & Art

Overview: There’s a growing appreciation for unique, handmade items. From custom jewelry to intricate artworks, selling handmade crafts allows artisans to reach a global audience.

6. Fashion & Apparel

Overview: Fashion is one of the most dynamic industries. Whether it’s seasonal trends, sustainable clothing, or niche fashion genres like streetwear, there’s always demand. Plus, with the rise of direct-to-consumer brands, smaller businesses can carve a space for themselves.

Shopify Theme Recommendation: BLANCA – A chic and versatile theme that brings out the best in fashion products, ensuring your collections are showcased stylishly.

BLANCA - Fashion & Apparel Shopify theme

7. Fitness & Wellness Products

Overview: The health and wellness trend is here to stay. From yoga mats and resistance bands to essential oils and wellness journals, products that promote a healthy lifestyle are in demand.

8. Furniture & Home Decor

Overview: As people spend more time at home, there’s a growing interest in home decor and furniture that reflects personal style. From minimalist coffee tables to boho-chic rugs, the home decor space offers endless possibilities.

Shopify Theme Recommendation: furn – A sophisticated theme designed to highlight the elegance and functionality of furniture pieces.

9. Educational Materials & Courses

Overview: The e-learning industry is booming. Whether it’s digital courses, educational toys for kids, or DIY kits, products that promote learning and skill development have a vast market.

10. Sustainable & Eco-friendly Products

Overview: With growing awareness about environmental issues, sustainable products are gaining traction. Whether it’s reusable shopping bags, bamboo toothbrushes, or eco-friendly cosmetics, green products resonate with a conscious audience.


Choosing what to sell on Shopify requires research, passion, and an understanding of market trends. Whether you opt for one of the ideas listed above or carve out a niche of your own, the key is to offer value and quality. With the right products and a fitting Shopify theme, you’re well on your way to e-commerce success. Remember, every successful store started with an idea and the drive to bring it to life. Happy selling!